a pulse modulation technique in which the amplitude of an analog signal is converted to a binary value represented as a series of pulses.
1. Sampling: get pots in every certain time (infinite to limited)
2. Quantizing: put every uncertain value into certain value (standardization)
3. Encoding: convert that value to binary value
def bandpass_sampling(f_low, f_high):
bandwidth = f_high - f_low
if bandwidth <= f_low:
n = int(f_low / bandwidth)
f_s_min = (2 * f_high) / (n + 1)
f_s_max = (2 * f_low) / n
result = 2 * (f_low + f_high) / (2 * n + 1)
return f_s_min, f_s_max, result
print("You should use lowpass-sampling")
return None
# min, max, result = bandpass_sampling(312, 552)
# print(min, '<=', result, '<=', max)
def polyline_compress(max_voltage, target_voltage):
def to_binary(num, how_many=4):
r = bin(num)[2:]
return r + '0' * (how_many - len(r))
result = ''
if target_voltage > 0:
result = '1'
result = '0'
target_voltage = abs(target_voltage)
parts = list(reversed(list(range(0, 8))))
after = before = max_voltage
for part in parts:
after = after / 2
if (after < target_voltage < before):
print(part, ": ", before, '-', after)
binary_part = to_binary(part, 3)
delta = (before - after) / 16
binary_inner_part = to_binary(int((target_voltage - after) / delta), 4)
print(int((target_voltage - after) / delta))
result += binary_part
result += binary_inner_part
print(binary_part, binary_inner_part)
return result
before = after
# r = polyline_compress(2048, 260)
# print(r)