

The unit of inductance LL is the henry (symbol: HH), but it is too large for normal usage. So a more common unit is millihenrys, abbreviated as mHmH (1mH==103H1mH == 10^{-3}H)

Inductor i-v equation

v=Ldidtv = L\frac{di}{dt}


  1. If a constant current flows in an inductor, then dtdi=0\frac{dt}{di} = 0 (a constant's derivative is 0), so in that case, there is zero voltage across the inductor.(Zero voltage means an inductor with constant current looks like a short circuit, the same as a plain wire.)

  2. The current in an inductor does not (will not) change instantaneously.

i=2Isin(wt+ψi)u=Ldidt=Li=2wLIcos(wt+ψi)=2wLIsin(wt+ψi+π2)u=2Usin(wt+ψi+π2)=2Usin(wt+ψu)\begin{align*} i &= \sqrt{2} I \sin(wt + \psi_i) \\ \\ \\ u = L\frac{di}{dt} = L \cdot i^\prime &= \sqrt{2} wLI \cos(wt + \psi_i) = \sqrt{2}wLI \sin(wt + \psi_i + \frac{\pi}{2}) \\ \\ u &= \sqrt{2} U \sin(wt + \psi_i + \frac{\pi}{2}) = \sqrt{2} U \sin(wt + \psi_u) \end{align*}

So here we can see:

U=wLIψu=ψi+π2\begin{align*} U &= wLI \\ \\ \psi_u &= \psi_i + \frac{\pi}{2} \end{align*}

在电感元件中,电压的相位 ψu\psi_u 超前电流的相位 ψi\psi_i 90{90}^\circ

Actually, wLwL is just like a resistor value RR in U=RIU = RI

So we call wLwL inductive reactance (感抗). Ω\Omega is the unit of him.

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