AC circuit

What's the purpose of 3 basic components in AP circuit?

If we need to block DC, we use a capacitor. 它具有充放电特性和阻止直流电流通过,允许交流电流通过的能力。

If we need to block very high frequency AC, we use an inductor. 如果电感器在没有电流通过的状态下,电路接通时它将试图阻碍电流流过它;如果电感器在有电流通过的状态下,电路断开时它将试图维持电流不变。类似于稳(压)器。

If we need to design a filter, we (can) use resistors, capacitors and inductors.

As the previous

As far as I see, no matter in AC or DC, ohm's law is always useful:

U˙=I˙R\dot U = \dot I \cdot R


  • But for different components, R is different.

    In Resistor, R is RR

    In Inductor, R is wLwL

    In Capacitor, R is 1wC\frac{1}{wC}

  • And of course, they becomes different in AC circuit with complex number(复数)

    RR becomes RR

    wLwL becomes jwLjwL

    1wc\frac{1}{wc} becomes j1wc-j \cdot \frac{1}{wc}

  • Don't ask me how these things come from, it's too complex for me to answer. Just remember it.


For each items, we no longer call them RR, instead, we call them ZZ (复阻抗)

如果几个阻抗通过合在一起, we call them 复阻抗


于是,和 DC analysis 一样,串联电阻相加,并联电阻(R1×R2)(R1+R2)\frac{(R1 \times R2)}{(R1+R2)}


a1b1a2b2=a1a2(b1b2)a1b1×a2b2=a1a2(b1+b2)\begin{align*} &\frac{a_1 \angle{b_1}}{a_2 \angle{b_2}} = \frac{a_1}{a_2} \cdot \angle{(b_1 - b_2)} \\ \\ &a_1 \angle{b_1} \times a_2 \angle{b_2} = a_1 \cdot a_2 \angle{(b_1 + b_2)} \end{align*}

If you want to do some addition or subtraction, convert your equations to another 复数形式 first (like a+jba + jb)

4 * (not important)



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