List (Array or Slice)
package main
import (
func main() {
sentence := "I love you guys!"
words := strings.Split(sentence, " ")
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", words)
for index, word := range words {
fmt.Printf("%d. %s\n", index, word)
for _, word := range words {
fmt.Printf("%s ", word)
new_words := [...]string{"Do", "you", "love", "me?"}
for _, word := range new_words[:] {
fmt.Printf("%s ", word)
package main
import (
//var nums = make([]int, 0) //this is a slice, it's a dynamic array
//you want to say it in this way: make a list of integer that has 0 element at the beginning
var nums []int
func main() {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nums)
nums = append(nums, 1)
nums = append(nums, 9)
nums = append(nums, 9)
nums = append(nums, 8)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nums)
nums[len(nums)-1] = 0
nums = nums[:len(nums)-1]
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nums)
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